Arthritis Relief

Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment Options | Medication and Lifestyle Alternatives

Psoriatic Arthritis, also known as PSA, is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects both the joints and skin. Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis (a skin condition) are commonly overlapping. Around 30% of all people with the skin condition Psoriasis will end up developing PsA.

Also, as much as 80% or more of patients with Psoriatic Arthritis will end up developing skin symptoms associated with Psoriasis. This mainly includes the manifestation of red, flaky patches known as plaque, which is most commonly seen on the arms, legs, and trunk of a patient's body.

It sometimes takes as long as a decade for Psoriasis suffers to present with joint pain after the onset of skin symptoms. For this reason, patients with Psoriasis need constant supervision by a doctor.

Psoriatic Arthritis: Determining Treatment

The exact treatment for PSA varies as several factors influence which treatment option is utilized. This includes the severity of your symptoms in regards to the skin and joints individually, as well as how you respond to medications, how quickly the disease is progressing, and whether you are currently exhibiting difficulties in mobility.

Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment Options

Primary Psoriatic Arthritis treatment options usually revolve around medications. This may include:

Other pain relief medications and drugs which suppress the immune system are also recommended. Although, this depends on the exact treatment plan you and your doctor have come up with.

Besides medication, physical therapy or mental health “talk” therapy are excellent alternatives. Exercise, healthy lifestyle changes, diet improvements, weight loss in overweight individuals, topical skin treatments, ice, or heat are all great natural treatment options – alone, or in conjunction with medications.

Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment Outlook

With early detection and aggressive treatment, many individuals with Psoriatic Arthritis are able to live full, productive, happy lives. However, when the disease progresses unchecked, it can cause substantial damage to the joints.

In turn, this can lead to the necessity of surgery or permanent mobility issues. Some patients who receive Psoriatic Arthritis treatment will end up with mobility issues. However, current therapies are often able to hold these at bay for substantial periods of time.

What To Do If You Think You Have Psoriatic Arthritis

If you think you may have Psoriatic Arthritis, make an appointment with your general practitioner today. He or she may refer you to a specialist called a rheumatologist, or maybe an immunologist.

Remember that only a certified doctor has the experience and skills necessary to provide an accurate diagnosis. Self-diagnosis or information pertaining on the web are not able to do this.

As early detection often leads to a positive outlook, make an appointment with your medical or holistic doctor as early as possible.